Andare a quel paese (No more Innocents abroad)
Over the last three decades it seems that everybody has travelled
to just about everywhere, from Peru to Sri Lanka. But do
travellers know that the southern hills of Everest have been
re-christened "garbage trail" due to the disgraceful behaviour of
the climbers? Or, to choose a much more odious example, that most
of the new tourist facilities in Myanmar were built using slave
labour? And what about the hotels in Goa, whose consumption of
water has severely reduced the supply available to locals?
Clearly, there's something rotten in the state of global tourism.
In this book Sustainable Tourism Studies trailblazer Duccio
Canestrini not only denounces those countries that seem "to
delegate to tour operators environmental policies, social
relationships and public safety", but questions the privileged
Westerner's facile and ultimately exploitative attitude towards
travelling. This book includes an informative country by country
rundown of exploitative practices, as well as a useful list of
associations, organisations and groups who work in the field of
sustainable tourism.